Promote big school when generation hot compromise make DIY sound 響 open began, Yes in some sound frequency measured General 儀 device on has been has attention, also maybe is Stadium inside flow with read TV child engineering of blood's, everything Director is eye see because 憑, so except oscilloscope stub 訊 Hao production health device this some most basic of volume measured design equipment outside, also has been note more high documents of sound frequency measured General 儀 device, when so, Audio Precision this kind of a both bai萬 of East West, Yes in I 輩 operating remaining DIY players,, right in is high, if can a measured General design equipment, As long as the AP a bit zero head, away from Prada AP90% measured General function, how good is this Ah ~ ~ ~
This not a real dream, all of measured General 儀 device, most important of is A/D converter of standard true degrees stub take model courses rate, worship real people TV ever universal of 賜, sound card of chip of release exhibition also promote early of 16 bits/48kHz to now in of 24 bits/192kHz, not only price grid Qing people, if Tsai conditions pick choose, still can pick to measured General Rules grid is not wrong of sound card, if to this real sound card because base 礎, release exhibition a PC Shang of volume measured software Stadium, Audio measured is not a flat charge to try any system? S/N>110dB,THD<0.0001%, this kind of specifications yes I 輩 enough.
Base in sound card of measured General Department system, both years Qian found 尋 of results fruit total two home, a is Clio, a entering into is Liberty Instrument (following description airport LI) of Praxis,Clio will must with 專 with hard Stadium, having software Stadium attached of is a Zhang modified over of sound card, seems is Sound Blaster of class of, rules grid also only 16 bits/48kHz, and Praxis entering into is can choose with different of sound card, script Based catch measured measured way of model courses, comparison is more fun in the future, so use this time of year over year 終 bonus, please come home in this system.
This system description veneered says is to use sound card stub of a/d d/a, as a measured completely 訊 Hao input stub on, matching LI family produced Audpod USB Kit, can promote electronic brain Automation measured general processes access 訊 Hao stub input configuration. Due to the PC onboard IDE, AC97 Audio IC specifications stub quality is not ideal, I work under LI Jian Council, the same time posted by M-Audio production of the Transit USB sound card, its specification is 96kHz/24bits, I'm in sound frequency measured is sufficient enough.
In addition to the measured large livly airport other than the T/S model and driverunit, if user needs measured 響 ying of the Horn or the room, can be posted by a given correction over Mack, Connie Wind, gone with the Mack, Connie Wind'll 贈 Zhang CDs, sell with Mack, Connie Wind correction information.
The spirit of a place, I bought a total of Audpod,M-Audio Transit walk beside of a Mack, Connie Wind, together with Chinese people in China Nations Nations tax the tax payment, in Johannesburg is about five Nations, the pain ~ ~
Received this sets Department system has big approximately three real months, sense worth not is easy started, also maybe is function too more of edge so, alone a open began of since begins to correction on research has is long, until recently only than 較 understand it of design total concept and measured general method, attached a Zhang last night measured volume Tannoy HPD385 in room between inside of frequency rate 響 ying, has empty again future property conditions between 紹 it of function.