By in sound 響 measured general need, wants to find a Taiwan can 攜 type of LCD color oscilloscope, impression in the this kind of class type of oscilloscope is Tektronix of world, both years Qian had 幫 company bought over a Taiwan 500MHz 4 channel of Tektronix oscilloscope, Yes this series airport type Po has goodwill, so I in Tektronx Web station Shang spent has some when between research, release now it of into del Carmen paragraph LCD oscilloscope price grid drop has many, yiqian at least to ten both 萬 of, 幣 could not be in the future, starting now falls under the three Nations, we've decided in the future to be bought minimum 階 TDS2002C, didn't think can't 亂 's shoot was intended to net around, saw one strange brand ATTEN, live production with Tektronx views very similar to LCD Digital Oscilloscopes, and specifying higher and lower Pricing.
In Web road research has about this between bit in Shenzhen, Chinese name called An Taixin of company, release now it is currently in the China two big measured General 儀 table manufacture made business one of, addition a is bit in Beijing of PUYUAN fine electric RIGOL, this two home company between over to both years has over tell 訟, currently seems to still in progress line in the, property love I no Tsai conditions research, anyway as long as know this home company rules die enough big, short-term inside not Club Med pour on enough has.
Originally include set of is An Taixin minimum 階 of ADS1022C 25MHz oscilloscope, Taiwan 灣 Web took Shang has both real Mai home has Mai, 後 future to Amoy 寶 a see, has a Department ADS1102CAL in do special price, price grid is RMB$1800, views is into Taiwan 幣 as long as 9,000 not to, rules grid also high out ADS1022C a big cut, on duel set is this paragraph has. Over Amoy 寶, and Mai 訂 two high pressure probe, Userboxes/Time 貨 hand approximately five days.
Starting with ASDS1102CAL for two months, I'm quite full this oscilloscope, 100MHz frequency 寬, 1GHz sampling rate with specifications for 40k buffer is fact, used in sound frequency measured to try a little overkill. Digital oscilloscope operation is generally, Push-button stub choose veneered arabesquitic arranged similar to the Tektronix 90% above (why ~~ is not copied Tek, was told each other what? ), Sense of quality like Tek, will copy to copy to the end, hoped that durability and Tek model courses, after all this is to my future work for both partners.
I General with with it future measured General I we company latest of TV force online production products, using it put when domain 訊 Hao caught Xia future, 丟 to Matlab analysis, he of A/D is 8bits, right international volume measured to of SNR can Prada 32dB above, buckle off 12dB of crest factor, this real A/D of right international analytical degrees has Bible is close it by vision airport of rules grid. Other features include 7 "寬 螢, and directly into the USB drive,FFT USB host directly advises waveforms, are very excited 賞.
Next week business trip to Shenzhen, predict total 幫 company plus posted by two ADS1202CML,CML series save Memory increase 儲 Stadium, can any DVD-2M samples, Yes on project of our company'll 'll have assistance with this 200MHz after LeCroy Oscilloscopes no longer bought 貴 dense or Tektronix.