Recently standard equipment to open began begins to HPD385 of points sound device, hand Shang no has a support TV table can measured volume TV capacity and TV sense, will must begins to with Praxis measured volume impedance song online (need received PC, and sound card, and Audpod, and 擴 big airport and a heap 鱷 fish Jia), again threes, views into sense volume or TV capacity, right in not is convenient, so will Shang Web slightly for research.

Agilent_U1733C_1Agilent U1733C

Ideally, I hope to find a LCR Meter, you can shed measured DC coils and chokes, not over the number of Nations fast kind of sell on the market, no one has this one function, at best, in the measured Capacitance time and Voltage. Second, by in TV capacity stub TV sense often having with frequency rate change of, General cheap of handheld type LCR Meter most is fixed frequency rate measured General, this real frequency rate usually is in 100Hz or 120Hz, slightly high class a little of provides 1 kHz choose 項, more high class of entering into may provides to 10kHz, probably is by limited in Stadium equivalent of about Department, cannot method for to class like GWIinstek LCR 819/829 503 kind of frequency rate change of. Due to the Praxis by working on my hand script Prada measured impedance, although the comparison is not convenient, but quite Club Med are not much, really very important quantity measured begins good, so I found 尋 standard hand-held because the primary.

Web road collected 尋 of results fruit, seems to like model courses a little of China production handheld type LCR Meter are to 8,000 above, for example Myav Shang was push 薦 of Taiwan 灣 rich 貴 Escort ELC-133A, progress mouth of B&K 879B entering into to to approximately a 萬, this model courses than up future of said, Agilent U1733C right in cannot is 貴, originally accounts standard is include set U1732B, results fruit has Bible stopped production, was U1732C replaced, and U1733C entering into is new of type Hao, Measured to try more Frequency than U1732C a 100kHz, Pricing only 30 鎂 not, sure then attack 頂.

尋 Agilent handheld LCR Meter's search history, former Agilent in 2008 in the future rich 貴 灣 low price measured completely 儀 Department activities comes under the bought the, difficult to blame the two companies ' products this similar, 極 U173x series may be the original Fu 貴 Normal University of engineering design plan production. Impacts news links results here:

Threes 貼 U1733C original facility specifications:

  • 20,000 counts resolution
  • 0.2% accuracy
  • Wide LCR ranges with 5 selectable test frequencies (100Hz, 120Hz and 1kHz, 10kHz and 100kHz)
  • Auto identification(Ai) which automatically determines and displays component type and measurements
  • Detailed component analysis with DCR, ESR, Z, D, Q, Ө functions
  • Battery life of 16 hours/Ac-powered
  • IR-to-USB connectivity for data logging to PC

Zhang the facility corrected proof, a three-year warranty, plus bought 兩nian warranty as long as less than two thousand, 徹 bottom threes before Agilent is 貴 impression.


Said said B&K 879b series long enough like U1733C, connects Datong, buttons and functions are little different, price is about, why I do not know whether the same facility (formerly rich 貴) Foundry.


Agilent U1733C front view


NET on my way to B&K 879b photos

What a coincidence, recently introduced a Landmass of tonghui TH2822C, are functional and cannot study outside view and U1733C 90% more similarity, I do not know who is copying who, I think nutrited ... Checks the sales charge, 幣 almost two thousand people, and has little attraction right in.

TH2822CTonghui TH2822C NET on the road looking for photos