Promote 15 years ago, when Wong Chi Ting over an AR 鈺 teacher that's popular CD player plus installation of LC Audio time 脈 modified after installation kit, left a deep impression. Clock Kit is not only a theory is true on this thing, right international Ting up is bad don't much, after all the digital base 礎 訊 source is time 脈, digital theory here, when 脈 雜 訊 Yes different Intel epic D/A the meat Xian not 盡 Nonlinear system characteristics of the same. Yes in 傳 system of R-2R multi-bit D/A, when 脈 雜 訊 more tired equivalent of in high frequency area, and Yes in Delta-Sigma of class of D/A, by in Bible over has noise-shapping, when 脈 雜 訊 in frequency rate domain Shang of distribution Club Med more complexity 雜, General are 認 because modified progress when 脈 pure vegetable NET degrees Yes in Delta-Sigma class type of D/A modified change range than 較 high, not over also not representative R/2R frame institution of D/A not proper with.
Originally seven or eight years ago using the TEAC VRDS-25 era would've time 脈 modified standard equipment, not over VRDS-25 different Intel epic compared to blame, it has two real time 脈, one 16.9344MHz 負 Ze supplied Sony KSS-151a in threes, pan London institution, the other one is 18.432MHz, used in the D/A section. This two real when 脈 itself is not synchronization of, VRDS using NPC SM5843 number bit received device 執 line take model courses frequency rate threes, views, solutions duel not synchronization of question problem, I real people 認 because is phase when not ideal of practices, market Shang of modified airport die team 頂 more is with two 塊 when clock die team, again plus class than 濾 wave device modified OPAMP, does no has solutions duel fundamental of question problem. If to 認 really modified airport, Ying this with 18.432MHz progress line times frequency stub except frequency, by production health of 16.9344MHz when 脈 again feed to threes, Pan airport institution, this kind of when clock threes, views IC airport for clock generator, acting theory Shang is can with now into IC added was begins to components right made future of, not over only because has modified a Taiwan airport device, is engineering vast, which gods Bible short-circuit again make's.
Latest crush Studer CD player, this based on the Philips CDM1/CDM4 in threes, Pan pan of the London institution, When 脈 are is 4.2336MHz, is often see of 16.9344MHz divided by four, slightly Zambia check has about market Shang bought get of when clock suite, progress mouth begins to 輒 100 鎂 above even has, this kind of description veneered of East West both begins to with not to old beauty of tip technology, also not need de China or Switzerland of precision manufacture made workers 藝, not over is tablets PCB, both 顆 was begins to components plus TCXO any? 灣 manufacturing good quality still if the comparison. 灣 currently has two homes, one is a band of pure clock, one is odiofan Hao airport Electric power finish 較 heart, due to a odiofan Mai suites contain frequency circuit, so I also processed, cheaper, has decided to bought.
Kit circuit of Seattle, TCXO directly pull on 16.9344MHz on foot
Basically, when 脈 production health device has two real refers to standard, a real is absolute yes fine true degrees, a real is phase Yes fine true degrees or shake begins to rate (jitter), General of TCXO can standard to 10ppm,OCXO through over oven hot control can standard to 5ppm to inside, Web road still some God class release 燒 friends begins to with to 1ppm atomic clock, this is pursuit absolute yes precision of 極 to, not over real people 認 because meaning can correspond is unlikely to, after all had 訊 source are may not be this so standard has, blindly requirements received end standard meaning can correspond is unlikely to, Why absolute yes I person 認 sell enough precision in a certain range 圍, shaking begins within 圍 (jitter) entering into the smaller the better. To copy between standard shows are having, having declared airport 1ppm, do not know what this 1ppm is representative of Tokyo Tokyo.
To promote orfering to receive the kit of approximately two days, received kits when release now a Philips TV solution 顆 33uF Capacitance pressure Huai, odiofan ASHA sent a 顆 to give me more views. Installation good has to 後 received Shang oscilloscope measured General, frequency rate is Yes has, but TCXO of input out not plasticity period of 5Vpp, but not to 2.5pp, this real input out series contact 100 Ohms 後 directly received 16.9344MHz of input out end, in the between no has any plastic or zoom TV road, if directly received CD player of TV road Board Shang may Club Med not normal, I originally to because is suite here attached of TCXO Huai has, Xie letter question odiofan he reply said is normal of, The last letter he Xie said: "they say outside of one high-speed TTL or get a stub to improve standards of comparison, maybe you can also refer to reference". This makes me a bit was not full, one of Hao airport Electric power finish perfect Clock production, even in the most important on end so hasty, still a real Suite users to change circuit, what a good model courses. General four foot of earthquake Dang device usually input out end are Club Med inside built waveform plastic TV road, and this real suite of TCXO just a real description veneered of earthquake Dang device, if Web friends need 16.9344MHz input out, in odiofan Suite No has modified this real question problem Qian, completely not built Council posted by bought, if you with I a model courses is to except frequency to 4.2336MHz, that this real Suite Shang Mian strong available, built Council put 100 Ohms TV resistance short-circuit, increased TCXO push 74HC163 of thrust, Plastic part is internal to 74HC163 this 顆 Counting addition frequency circuit.
Divided by four (4.2336MHz) on
Addition worth a mention of is this real Suite seems is Yes Bank out of, printing TV road Board and TCXO Shang are has playing TeraDak of standard name, Google has about TeraDak seems to is Yes Bank of a home suite business, presided over of people called less 帥, addition in this here has article articles, said Ming this suite seems seems is copy 襲 since don't people of TV road, conditions Jie I no property see, has tech interest of Web friends please itself participation 閱. I I'm Landmass 響 love well full respect, their resource between rich and spirit of research, now you soucd card Kit worth de than we've done I still succeeded. High speed circuit switched data I under operating (depository salary of Occupations) normal University parent Chris Hansen said, Innovation is 90% copying 襲 and 10% improvements. Chris Hansen and where maybe one? If you are in the late 80 's early 90 's to play with long model courses have BBS, USRobotics Ying this know this company produced the 96k voice band modem. Chris Hansen when time 負 Ze USRobotics modem internal DSP core program Intel epic stub Analogy circuit design plan.
I person is not anti-I'm copying 襲, after all had limited capacity of a person, not model courses model courses master, if someone says he model courses model courses master, he did East West will I not bought. If not over copy 襲, connecting 10% reflection du not 願 input, they play even if 慚 still made product not a Word as XXX on the net to wantonly 販 齒 sold cold.
Next future is to choose one yellow Studer on the A725 road auspicious day.