HPD385 play for six months, yes his voice of mist mist begins 終 don't likes. Views one by one stub encyclopedia material head, linking 塵-proof after the cover is removed, fact which bian surprisingly still can lay their hands on, had to see if audio improve location. NET 評 theory on the road, says Monitor series is the older, the better, although fortunately, where he says 紛 紜, used to study HPD385 bass fat slowly, both sound quality are very different, Ying're part believable. But I have a little doubt, difficult road just because bass Paper change, let HPD385 sharpness far input both before his generation? Spent has both late research has original facility points sound device, 驚 訝 of release now it of design total phase when complexity 雜, directly analysis has little trapped difficult, with standard standard of II 階 points sound device than up future, some maybe poor replacement, again than 較 has Qian both generation of points sound device, only release now which original future has 脈 Luo can through, following on future see Seattle said story's:
Shang Seattle is Siver/Red of points sound device, this is 60 generation of design total, description veneered not spent skillfully, bass is a real standard standard of II 階 points sound device, by a real series contact TV sense and a real does contact TV Rong 組cheng, treble entering into is a 階 points sound, by a real 4uF series contact TV capacity and a team frequency rate 響 Ying BU 償 TV Lu 組cheng, in veneered Stadium two end addition across received a team class like Zobel network do impedance BU 償. Readers also-maybe image: curious about nikai second floor bass sounds, why do the treble but 階 partials is it? I guess the main frequency is bit high, approximately above the 2kHz, so there is no Typographic alignment've is not very important, this tweeter is due to Hao angle design plan, low-frequency damping soon, so there is no need to make two 階 and saving the individual coils and chokes.
Shang Seattle is Gold of points sound device, low frequency aspects still Tel Aviv holding veneered pure vegetable of II 階 low pass, high frequency part Tannoy in this generation joined has a real since I change pressure device and high frequency failure reduce Web road, since coupling change pressure device has five real pumping head, received a real band open about Shang, can failure reduce high frequency 訊 Hao, in points sound device Shang standard shows is HF Energy, said this spin 鈕 control high frequency energy, high frequency failure reduce Web road part entering into through over different of TV resistance TV capacity team collection provides different of high frequency failure reduce starting frequency rate, in points sound device Shang of standard shows because HF Roll-Off。 If removing anform auto, falls under the description of veneered on electric resistance of pressure, maybe the voice of Gold closer to Silver stub Red.
Shang Seattle because HPD385 points sound device TV road Seattle, high frequency part still keep Qian generation of since coupling change pressure device stub high frequency failure reduce Web road, Tel Aviv holding two real spin 鈕, low frequency part entering into small modified, in original future of standard standard II 階 points sound frame institution Shang more series contact has a support 2.2 ohms of TV resistance, TV capacity also by original future of a support 16uF TV capacity views into two support 6.8uF and a support 3.3uF does contact.
Promote Monitor Red look all the way down the future, convinced that readers like me model courses clearly see evolution of Tannoy-frequency circuit 脈 Luo, the fact is that to promote 極 description to numerous 瑣 over the range. Home speakers said in the future, two switch by true, real tired, don't need this much choose liquid, a switch by two, voice-only Club Med even worse, do not want better. The sounds now 響 vision, high frequency 響 Ying've insufficient, damping: temporary staffing ・ road is usually placed in the Flat, and high frequency efficiency also must match the bass usually veneered Stadium, fast rate it is unlikely to change begins. Highly prevalent among national players the most modifications, except Capacitance Capacitance all views into modern plastics, a highly prevalent among most is: temporary staffing ・ road damping down, and anform since I fixed in one position, high speed circuit switched data says this model courses to improve enough to link up three star.
I with Praxis measured General has hand Shang of two support HPD385 and points sound device, volume to of impedance 響 Ying are not is straight, I wants to this Ying this is volume production Xia of completed gourd shaped ladle, so root high speed circuit switched data measured volume results fruit again design total points sound device Ying this is Xia a real direction, this zhiqian, I guess also maybe put bass part of TV capacity does links modified back yiqian of veneered a TV capacity, again put 2.2 ohm TV resistance short-circuit, Ying this can improved many of clarity, has empty to bought two support 18uF of SCR TV capacity General General.