Refer to sell outside China NET discuss theories, decided sound facility-HPD385 Capacitance plastic Capacitance views fully furnished apartments. Original sound is produced by ITT's plastic Capacitance, in addition to welding wide outside, Tannoy facility still uses a variety of hot-melt adhesive plaster-like East West on the circuit board fixed Capacitance, had to work for free to be removed one by one.

Due to the fear of all falls under the condencer, Ting out individual gender differences, therefore decided to first views I'm worth flowinfluence comparison of three 顆 which contact Capacitance, these three individual electronic container and a 2.2 ohms electric resistance, and United on the bass unit on the stadium, is part of: temporary staffing ・ low pass road. Reference sound forward and both Tannoy design plan, I decided 順 resistance short circuit 2.2ohms electronic, sound-catch this one before closer to those of design plan. Capacitance of views into this three 顆 after a 顆 18uF Solen Capacitance, try fruit 蠻 Ting results disappointed, Brown effect, as well as predict periods have suddenly open, not even Feeling the voice there is a progress in the future, a bit disappointing.

Veneered falls under low-frequency Capacitance of little assistance, beyond simply views the Capacitance. This is didn't hold out much hope in the future, who don't know that falls under the top difference there really is enough. Views Shang Solen to 後, originally HPD385 of Meng mist to has half, conditions Jie are run out future has, this love overview especially in small volume Ting when special don't Ming 顯, originally small volume Ting when only Ting to 轟 long 轟 long of low frequency, in the treble conditions Jie completely Ting not to, now in entering into can clearly of Ting to sound Park of online terms, focused also clear many. Look up most flowinfluence voice, was United on the treble veneered Stadium 4.7F and 1.5uF these two 顆 Capacitance, think 蠻 reasonable.

Original facility points sound device modified into this model courses, Ying this is almost has, if to more progress a step, Ying this is put since coupling change pressure device and high frequency failure reduce Web road took off, Web road also was built Council put band open about directly welding died, since to this model courses make, than again design total over, again put shadow 響 Sheng sound is big of series contact TV capacity views into oil quality silver film of, presumably is another a real realm has's.

The original facility of Capacitance

Solen instead of model courses