I of reviews Ting room into two cut, Qian half is put Horn stub sound 響 equipment, 後 half entering into is work 檯 stub TV ever table, although so is long square, not over has a long bian in approximately 3/2 finish was pipeline between occupies to has a small 塊, whole real room between change have has maybe more walls angle, so Club Med has many of low frequency 駐 wave frequency rate, Horn release Sheng area most are is cement walls, high frequency 殘 響 also Po because yan heavy, no finish acting when in Horn near said said can clear of Ting to back sheng. In 嘗 General 擺 put HPD385 of over drive in the, I release now HPD385 completely cannot has a little toe-in, or Sheng sound Club Med very rushing, and people Sheng positioning 飄 suddenly indefinite, Giuliano of in Qian, suddenly yan in 後, seems o 飄, Ting long has ever God Bible weak, was 懷 read Taiwan 灣 sound 響 odd miracle, not heel ever God Bible of Joly Horn.
This future to because Horn phase make wrong has, General with put a bian of points sound device anti-received, bass Macedonia Shang go model courses, only anti-received treble, Sheng sound no what change of, originally hundred thought shall not its solutions, 後 future sleep not with 亂 wants to only release now Ying this is in 1kHz points frequency little near phase anti-not anti-received has Bible not important has, for because 1kHz of wave long only 30 cm around, half because 15 cm, light sat in sand release Shang Head Department around moved begins to on almost is this real from-Zaventem has, State Stadium Sheng Horn this future on Club Med has veneered Sheng road by no some Comb-filter Effect, 賴 compansation to the human ear, so even if treble phase reversed not only over the approximately is head Heng moved about 15 cm of audio-visual and bass then the level of yan did not mention does matter. Not toe-in of Horn, results like is plane of, although so Sheng sound not wrong, but less has deep Qian this real bearing Corporation, State Stadium sheng of Oakland can correspond completely cannot method release Hui, excluded has all of possibilities 後, I worth have Ying this is sucking sound insufficient, so in Web Shang do has some work lessons, most 後 duel set promote Yes bank posted by into sucking sound cotton finished. East West mailed to millions of calculations has little Xia, four boxes, each approximately 120 cm high, unpacking you save over. Mai 貨 can choose liquid 貼 back adhesive plaster, not over because I had told this MAI bought over, Fish Maw with his back is very sticky, if later sound-absorbing cotton to remove the said Club Med in the future is difficult to finish, so I decided to not provide him with back adhesive plaster, net bought two cans of 3M Super 77 pen on adhesive plaster. To promote greater continental bought outside of Pricing factors, reasons, Mai, and provide a model courses choose liquid is a very important factor. Sound-absorbing cotton to pyramid originally said, this individual Mai has more than four kind of specification, plus the seven or eight kind of color, and he still has 針 Yes walls angle, side walls and part of the design plan 專 door styles, this is 灣 Mai Jia not match.
3M Super 77 pen Fish Maw
Open box paper on not more Xie has, I spent has two real night of when between put most of sucking sound cotton 貼 good, 3M pen adhesive plaster 蠻 easy of, taste also not heavy, not over on like iron Park scholar pen paint a model courses, most Ma fan of is it how many Club Med pen out range 圍, particles also Club Med floating in empty Qi in the a when between, because has health with wants to, built Council if has Web friends in room inside using this kind of pen tank, best wearing masks, I first days no has wearing masks, next worth have nose not too comfortable, sense worth has nasal shit in nose here, but how so are dug not out future, nasal hair seems sticky in with, Guess nutrited pen adhesive plaster adhesive used fruit in the nose, brought 嘗 the next day to try a mask, standing long SARS era home Stayin over N95 masks, the effect is very good. Two cans of pen out of adhesive plaster, still left a number of smaller pyramids without sound-absorbing cotton 貼, I think not all finish 貼, Nations instead of a sound-absorbing too much voice too-dry fan.
Root data facility vision airport, white and black have a retarding effect of sound-absorbing cotton, black has a general stub hardened two kind of hardness, hardened density higher. Order matching installation Huang, I mainly white because the Lord only 櫃 bian stub del Carmen choose liquid black after hardening. I main is finish acting ceiling two real walls angle, right bian del Carmen of 後 surface and a real 櫃 child side bian, choose liquid this here of reasons is for because room between of left side has only window Curtain, I usually Hall of when waiting release now must to put window Curtain pulled Shang, Sheng sound only Club Med not that so rushing, so choose liquid finish acting addition a bian of side walls.
This times posted by into of sucking sound cotton points because three kind of, first kind of is pyramid type, this future has Bible bought over some with in ceiling, this kind of pyramid type of rules grid General because 50x50 cm, thickness has 5cm points stub 8cm, Tower of size has 5cmx5cm stub 8cmx8cm two kind of, I of ceiling with of is 8cm thick, Tower type 8cmx8cm, according to Zhang paper 俠 Mr of built Council 貼 in once reflection bit, white of sucking sound cotton has a real deficiency little (or features? ), Club Med change after long yellow, like the first time I've posted this kind of over the half a year very yellow, do not know if it is still Club Med 繼 續 change more yellow.
Originally posted by 50cmx50cm pyramid, pyramid 8cmx8cm
This time I bought 60cmx60cm, 20cmx20cm, Feeling 蠻 amplifier, currently still 蠻 white
Second kind of is with in walls angle of triangle sucking sound column, triangle right angle two bian has 20cm and 30cm two kind of, I with of is 30cm of, facility business still has provides a real bian long 30cm of are cubic Stadium plug in walls angle, this model courses a team Ying this can absorption many 100Hz above frequency rate, to in again low of frequency rate only by more big of low frequency trap, not I of 財 force or empty between can 負 load of.
Sound-absorbing walls angle column
Third kind is used in walls walls or 櫃 lateral sound-absorbing cotton, thickness of the facility have all kind of styles are available for select posted by, I choose direct-terms, 寬 approximately 60cm, height 180cm. After del Carmen 貼 Petersham sound-absorbing cotton is a surname of cotton eggs, because you can catch del Carmen Shun Lee pressure activities documents, thickness is not too thick, I bought 3cm.
Lateral walls sound-absorbing cotton and a surname egg c
Received Xia future both days is general Ting with Zambia whole has, 貼 up to 後, a open began of sense worth is Sheng sound change dry net has, but does no has what so was 驚 Hi of progress step, 後 future General with small range toe-in, no has yiqian that kind of was more duo del Carmen and out of rushing begins to, but sound Gatwick still is flat of, most 後 halves, increased toe-in of angle, most 後 to veneered Stadium directly Yes standard ear, unexpected this model courses a 擺 Sheng sound Macedonia Shang State Stadium up future, again both times micro-Zambia 後 is was playing promote heart laugh out future, CD a Zhang received a Zhang put, Zhang Zhang are brand new stadium all these, surprisingly 貼 a sound-absorbing cotton works this well, this was the most money, the most effective way to improve the sound quality.
While wife and child back to the South the next day about the big tree and his colleague home Zambia Ting my tone here, big trees carried them both Zhang CD in the future, to promote start Bo can feel the moment Yes voice improved guest 驚 訝. Plus ANV Super treble of HPD385 Department system, 擁 has letter 20Hz~20kHz of frequency rate 響 ying, distribution Shang veneered end 50 擴 big airport stub health with future of live health sense, not theory ghost too drum, and Guan 風qin or steel piano alone played, let hearing Ting who can is 輕 easy of into sound Park, on like is in now Gatwick a model courses, this not is I 輩 play sound 響 most looks forward to of realm any?